
Kailey Larson, LMT

Active Health Massage Therapy


A focus on injury based treatment and prevention through deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy.

Active Health Massage Therapy’s goal is to increase the functionality of your life, whether that means being able to vacuum your house without back pain or running a marathon at your highest potential.

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108 South Main Ave

Ridgefield, WA


360. 909. 1836



Areas of Practice


Kinesiotape is a great tool to continue your treatment long after you have left your massage. This minimally restrictive athletic tape can either facilitate or inhibit muscles to decrease pain and support injuries.

Postural and Gait analysis

Observing the way you walk into the treatment room or how your body appears will tell your massage therapist how your posture is affected by your injuries.

Traditional Chinese cupping

This form of Traditional Chinese Medicine helps to renew blood flow as well as release the connective tissue, it is also a great way for your massage therapist to be in two places at once.

Gua Sha

A form of Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote blood flow and break up scar tissue, great for tendinitis.

Other Specialties

Prenatal and Postnatal Massage

Shoulder injury assessment and treatment

Low back Injury assessment and treatment.

Facial Cupping